by Abinyah Walker
Intel has announced its new line of branding for its next processor products. The Intel Core 2 Duo will represent the Conroe and Merom cores. They will appear in single and dual core designs, along with E, to indicate higher power consumption. The desktop 4000 and 6000 series will be complemented by a mobile 5000 and 7000, however U, L, T will signify their power consumption: T25-49W, L15-24W, U under 14W.
As predicted, Intel will be marketing for the new Apple desktops with a host of new processors aimed at enhance marketing bliss. But Apple will be looking more towards technological breakthroughs to match their flamboyant marketing announcements. Intel will need to release a multi-FSB system very soon. Similar to technology employed in the Digital Alpha 21264 (EV6) processors back in 1998, and in today's AMD processor variants, Intel will build in multiple paths to RAM from the CPU core. Known as the Common System Interconnect (CSI), it is a point-to-point serial interconnect that operates at 6.4GT/s and 4.8GT/s bi-directionally. Intel will be making a substantial foray into placing the Memory controller on the chip.
AMD Athlong 64 processors for desktops and servers seem to be the best option for Apple. Intel does not seem to have a change of leading with a new processor in the next few years at the very least. While AMD in both the 32-bit and 64-bit computing market, seems to have put the right technologies together and offer a superior product. Intel still seems to struggle with marketing announcements.
Athlon 64 FX and 64 X2 have a good handle on the Digital media, entertainment and gaming community. While the AMD Opteron processor leads the industry with performance-per-watt. AMD's multicore processor line can be found here The release of AMD Athlong 64 FX-60 Dual core FX processors at 2.6GHz has an integrated >2000MHz Bus speed. Have a look at the FX-60 Diagram I would like to see this process make an appearance in a dual Apple based system.